Sunday, 24 March 2013

Getting Ready

Its now only a week until I fly to Tel Aviv for an adventure of a lifetime.  I have always wanted to visit this area of the world that is both the cradle of so much of humanity's history but is also the context for most of the Biblical stories of our faith.

It's also a brand new thing for me to blog and one of the new skills that I know I will need to use as I go forward in Ministry.  This feels like a good place to start as my struggle with blogging has often been that I can't imagine that I have that much to say that is interesting enough for others to read.  This adventure will provide newness to me that I know I will be anxious to share with others and it will be a good place to start learning this discipline.  So .. thank you for reading and sharing this journey with me .

My plan is to try and post a reflection each day and perhaps a picture to go along with it ( if I can figure out that technology too!)  On the side bar you will find an outline of the places the tour will take me over the 24 days on the road.  The other days will be travel en route.

Now.. off to figure out what I need to pack and to start pulling it together ..

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're doing this! Looking forward to following this journey and keeping my own carbon footprint small! LOL
